For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
Ephesians 2:10
It is amazing to know that God has planned a life of meaningful service for each one of us! And we experience JOY when we use our unique God-given talents, gifts and skill-sets in serving the Lord.
Here at Journey, our ministry teams foster and build authentic Christ-centered relationships, cultivating environments of trust and acceptance. And as a result, we grow in our love for God and others as we serve alongside one another. There are countless ways to serve here at Journey – we invite you to contact us so we can help you find a place of meaningful service here!
Here at Journey, our ministry teams foster and build authentic Christ-centered relationships, cultivating environments of trust and acceptance. And as a result, we grow in our love for God and others as we serve alongside one another. There are countless ways to serve here at Journey – we invite you to contact us so we can help you find a place of meaningful service here!