Day 20

John 11:1-27

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Mike Kalish - March 7th, 2024 at 8:26am

The finale of Season 4 of The Chosen, which we saw yesterday, is about Lazarus. The scene leading up to Jesus' bringing him back to life was the most intense scene we've seen so far. There was much confusion among the disciples and the family of Lazarus as to what Jesus was saying and planning to do....there was anger, as this was bringing up the pain that Peter, Thomas, Mary, Martha, and Little James were feeling from their past disappointments in Jesus. And there was much emotion in Jesus himself as he struggled with the knowledge that He couldn't always help the people He loved in the way they wanted. It was a powerful lesson in faith and a reminder that it's not faith that He will do what we want Him to do....rather faith that He will always know what to do and will always do what's best whether we understand it or not. I seem to remember in one sermon at Journey, that prayer is not meant to tell God what we want or need, but to help get us aligned with Him for His purposes. The story of Lazarus helps me understand that.