Day 14

John 7:32-52

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Adrian - February 29th, 2024 at 3:44pm


Thank you for the lovely devotional today! There are 2 questions that arise for me. How do I thirst for more of Jesus? How do I quench my soul with Jesus? What does that practically look like. Maybe a better question is how do I grow my thirst and not become stagnant in my relationship with Him? Secondly, how do I become a spring of living water for others?

What I've noticed is if I am spiritually dry, I cannot pour out onto others. This reminds me of Psalm 23:5b. "My cup overflows." We need to constantly be receiving so that we have from which to give.

Practically for me this is worship! Specifically singing. Opening my mouth and singing songs of praise to the Lord, is one of the best ways to drink from the fountain of living water. So I try to start my day with a song. Or as I go to work, I like to sing a song. In fact, Ephesians 5:19 instructs us to speak to one another in Psalms hymns and spiritual songs, and also to sing Psalms with our heart to the Lord. The more we sing with our hearts to the Lord throughout the day the more watered and refreshed we and others will be.

Meg - February 29th, 2024 at 4:18pm

Jesus's words and the beautiful picture Heidi painted with words reminded me of this song.

Your comments about pouring out your heart in worship reminded me of this song.

Mike Kalish - February 29th, 2024 at 5:40pm

Adrian asked: '"how do I become a spring of living water for others?"

I'm not sure this answers the question, but I believe that the more we give to others....the more we serve others....the more we have to give.