Day 10

John 6:1-21

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Mike Kalish - February 24th, 2024 at 9:06am

I don't know if this applies to anyone else, but it can feel a bit awkward for me to isolate myself to talk with God. But for some reason, when I'm alone in the car, it's quite easy to talk to Him about anything: "Wow....nice job on that cloud formation"......"Hey, I know I reacted poorly to so-and-so the other day. I feel bad and will apologize."..... "I might need some additional wisdom for this big decision I'm facing.... That kind of thing. Also, when someone cuts me off in traffic or I hit 10 red lights in a row...."Don't worry, God. I'll stay calm and NOT let Satan into my car."

I'm not saying you shouldn't get away somewhere to talk to God....just saying that there are also other opportunities.

Liz - February 26th, 2024 at 12:16am

That's good. Such an important piece of advice Jesus has shown us. I have to do this and thankful for a husband who supports me in this. When I'm feeling the chaos and I need a break, I grab my Bible and head to the room. There's no other thing that can ground me quicker than some alone time. On the way to work today, I chuckled at how fortunate I am that my best friend is the Creator of Life.