Day 8

John 5:1-30

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Mike Kalish - February 22nd, 2024 at 8:22am

Wow...this one has special meaning to me. I came to Jesus in 2021. My journey to faith started in the summer and I accepted Christ on Christmas morning. On March 31, of 2021, I underwent open heart surgery and was "healed" of my affliction. It was as if Jesus was then telling me "You are sin no more". It was the surgeon's hands that did the work, but it was Jesus who did the healing and I regard it as no less a miracle than that performed on the man at the pool. I feel I'm living proof that God still performs those miracles and even though I'm still a sinner, I try my best every day to repent of each one. A family member is having open heart surgery today. I pray that his experience is also miraculous and brings him closer to Jesus.

Meg - February 23rd, 2024 at 5:20am

I love how Jesus asked the man, "do you want to be healed?"

I think sometimes we can fall into the trap of using our illness or set backs as a crutch. We become comfortable with our disabling pain or addiction. It almost becomes a companion. So when we're faced with the question of, "do you want to be healed?" We have to stop and ask ourselves "do I really want to be made well? Because once this crutch I've been leaning on for so long is gone, my life will be completely changed."