Day 7

John 4:43-54

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Mike Kalish - February 21st, 2024 at 8:56am

The story that Heidi tells about the "royal official" and his dying son is an incredibly moving one. His son was not born of his wife, but of his servant, and he therefore felt entirely unworthy of Jesus's grace, but desperate for it nonetheless. He dropped to his knees in Jesus's presence and sobbed...and told Jesus, "I know you can save my son from here. I am unworthy to have you in my home.". Jesus was moved to tears by his incredible faith and didn't hesitate to save his son. This story was done magnificently in The Chosen, and was one of the best examples of His grace and how our faith can move Him. Thanks, Heidi, you brought it back to life for me. It is one of my favorite (true) stories.

Todd - February 21st, 2024 at 10:22am

Thank you Jesus for your faith in us that we can respond to Your call. May we honor You.

Mike Kalish - February 21st, 2024 at 3:52pm

So, I read the scripture and it said nothing about the son being born of the servant. Apparently, that was a wrinkle The Chosen added in, considering it "plausible". It doesn't detract from Jesus's grace nor the faith the royal officer had in Jesus, but in the interest of accuracy, I thought I should add this "correction".

Trish Robison - February 21st, 2024 at 10:00pm

Heidi, thank you for your insights and challenge to have faith like the rich man. You are right that it is easy to have faith when we see the provisions. And thank you for the reminder that faith needs to come before them. I often find that I doubt because I don't know if the thing I want to have faith in is worthy of what God wants to provide. But I guess that's the point of faith. Remembering that it's not about what you believe is worthy or having assurance that it will be happen. The point is to just believe in the power of our Lord.

LInda - February 22nd, 2024 at 8:55am

What a beautiful reflection of the grace of Jesus to mercifully grant the beseeching request of a father. Thank you, Heidi for your insights. This story is so full of love, grace, mercy and understanding of the human heart. The terror of a parent faced with losing a child, the Grace of Jesus to have compassion on this man regardless of social standing, and the man's belief in the power of God to heal, and to save.