Day 1

John 1:1-28

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Adrian - February 14th, 2024 at 2:20pm

Thank you for taking this journey with us! I am truly excited to engage in the Bible together. As you read the passage listed, I want to encourage you to ponder the following questions: What is God speaking to you? What is challenging confusing or new from the text? Where do you see yourself in the story?

In this first section, as I mentioned in the video, the idea of "Jesus as light" struck out to me like it hasn't before. Isaiah prophesied about the coming messiah as being "a great light that has come to the people walking in darkness." Jesus himself would later say, I am the light of the world. In verse 9 of todays reading, we are reminded that Jesus IS the "true light."

Im sitting here staring out my window and seeing the gloom of this morning and it can be depressing. Can you imagine what life would be without light? I think it would be impossible to sustain life of any kind on earth. Without the light from the sun, everything on earth would die!

This verse is a beautiful reminder, that Jesus is our essential source of life. The Bible says without Jesus we were in death. But now because of Jesus we have life.

While Jesus walked the earth He brought the light and life of God to everyone he encountered. That's how I wanna live my life! Jesus calls me and you the light of the world. Therefore shine your light friends. Shine bright and let the world know there is life to be had abundantly in the light that has come.

Cue up the tune: this little light of mine ... (you know the rest)

Todd McMillan - February 14th, 2024 at 2:39pm

The Light of Christ in us. Amen. Is the only thing that is truly sustainable in this world. Because it is sustainable for an eternity. I want to use this time not for a full fast, but for substituting a spiritual meal at lunch for a physical meal. Lunch time will be a great time for me to do this devotional. I'm looking forward to all these devotionals during this time of Lent and all different people's perspectives. God bless you all.

Mike Kalish - February 14th, 2024 at 2:40pm

"I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way for the Lord'". - John

We are in a spiritual battle today. Evil is attempting to infiltrate every aspect of life and culture, and I want to be a light to those who choose to fight this evil. I not only want the light of Jesus to light my own path, but I want to shine His light on the path of others who are also willing to engage in this battle.

Adrian - February 14th, 2024 at 5:20pm

How do we make straight the way of the Lord? I believe we have to live according to the only thing that is straight and true, and that is the biblical standard. We have moved and shifted so far away that sadly most have lost their way and are walking in disorder and confusion.

Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. You want to walk in light? Walk according to the biblical standard (See psalm 119:9).

Liz Boyer - February 15th, 2024 at 12:22am

1:16 out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given

"Out of his fullness" helps me to remember my emptiness, when I empty myself of all the worldly and fleshly desires, God can fill me with his desires through his grace. I don't deserve it, but he graciously gives.

Justen Martian - February 19th, 2024 at 12:01am

"For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace."

‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭16‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Very thankful for the grace God has for me.

Even though I mess up over and over again, God still loves me and calls me his child.

In the same way, when my daughters mess up or do something wrong, I try my best to extend grace to them. Because God has grace for us, we in return need to have grace for others around us.