Proverbs 31

The Book of Proverbs begins with a command to fear the Lord and ends with the description of a woman who fulfills this command. (vv. 10-31). Often when I talk to women about Proverbs 31, this lofty portrait of excellence sets such a high standard that it can be depressing to godly women who cannot hit this mark. I want to encourage you today. None of us are finished works, and we are all striving toward and moving toward bettering ourselves. Proverbs 31 is an ideal towards which we all should want to be molded by.
I love verse 30, as I think it is the key to unlocking this virtuous woman, “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.” The proverbs 31 woman is truly a woman of God, not a woman of the world. By that, I mean she is a woman of noble character. Her accomplishment and reputation come entirely from her dedication to the Lord.
Her noble character is not a matter of rank in God’s eyes, but a matter of reverence. A wife of noble character does not need to run a country, have a seat on the board or committee, or earn a six-figure salary. She does not need to stress about her looks or connections because that is not where she gets her influence. Her strength doesn’t come from what she can 'do' for God. It comes from her reverence for God. 
This type of noble character, which is rooted in the fear of the Lord, is a life of true success and happiness. A life of noble character leaves a legacy for generations to come. It is a life not based on who we are, but Who we adore, hence it is a life we can all aim to achieve.

Pastor Adrian


Mike Kalish - March 31st, 2023 at 7:38am

First, I'd like to thank Pastor Adrian for inviting us to the Proverbs challenge. As you can tell, I've had a lot of fun participating, but more than that, I've learned a ton, both from Adrian's comments, and from reading and thinking about the content of this Book. It has solidified some of my beliefs and expanded others, bringing new knowledge and awareness.

On to Chapter 31 comment:

Many of my posts during Proverbs have reflected my beliefs about work....that God designed us to do it, in his image (creating a universe is hard work. He may have "spoken" it into existence, but there had to be a lot of thinking and planning that preceded His speaking). Anyway, I believe work purifies us and makes us better, and brings us closer to God. Proverbs 31 may be about the "Wife of Noble Character", but I have to believe that the "Husband of Noble Character" would have corresponding qualities. Many of the qualities of this wife involve the work that she does, while verse 30 states that "Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting".

Verse 31 sums it up,

"Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

(But it doesn't hurt to tell her she's pretty once in a while too.)

Cheryl - March 31st, 2023 at 10:48am

What a beautiful way to begin my mornings; reading Proverbs and taking in so many varied interpretations and applications. PB & Mike, your commentaries make me pause, reflect and often times smile! I love the unique perspectives that come from our individual life experiences.

I was waiting for this chapter, after "sitting on the corner of my roof", chapter 31 is such a breath of fresh air. Yes, I am getting over the guilt ridden feelings of "not being enough"...this woman of virtue seemed to "have it all", but then I realize that we are ALL gifted in such amazingly unique ways.

I would much rather teach a Bible lesson or sing a song with my grandchildren than bake a pie! My mother could do both and so much more...I am grateful for the influence she had on my life spiritually, mentally, creatively...the list goes on.

Thank you Father for a mother who took seriously her God given role as wife, mother and mentor, for that I am blessed.

Liz Boyer - April 1st, 2023 at 12:37am

The Perfect Wife...

Although I know I am not a perfect wife, I have a husband who thinks I am. God sees my flaws and I know my husband does too. He chooses to look past the flaws, and love me for me. He sees all the good in me and all my potential. Can you imagine how much more our Heavenly Father thinks of us? We should strive to please Him first. When our cup is filled (hopefully overflowing), we can easily give to our husband. I've never felt my marriage has been hard. I love being married and love having a husband who adores me. However, it does take intentionality to spend time with the Lord, my husband, & my kids. And then when we mix the worlds views of what a good wife and mom is, we are spread so thin, we feel we're hardly marking a difference. I encourage all the women and ladies to put God first in everything. Then invest into your husband, kids, & your ministry. We can try and do it in other orders but will only cause us disorder and confusion. Loved reading through Proverbs with everyone!

Jeri B - April 1st, 2023 at 10:41am

Got a bit behind this week but finished this morning.

I too loved v 30. So good!

This has been a great experience, thanks PA!

Robyn - April 4th, 2023 at 1:23pm

Thank you, SO much for this wonderful mini study!!! I've loved it and learned from it, so fun to hear how everyone has reflected on it.

My soul feels enriched!