Proverbs 26

There’s nothing like seeing someone make a fool of themselves on national TV to illustrate the danger of giving people undue honor. When we give people respect or admiration they haven’t earned, we set them up for failure. Think of all the musicians who get on stage and lip-synch their own songs (Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé, Selena Gomez, Katy Perry – they all do it). Off key and offbeat, they smile and sing confidently while the audience watches in shock, quickly throwing a tantrum should they receive any critique.
Just like the singer who’s never been told she can’t sing, the fool in Proverbs 26 grows more foolish every time their folly is rewarded. That’s one reason the Bible teaches us to give “encouragement” freely and to “honor” selectively. Everyone needs encouragement – to be reminded of who we are in Christ and the power available to us through the Holy Spirit. But honor, is reserved for: Those who show wisdom about when to engage with someone (vv. 3-7), those who work hard, say what they mean and “mind their own business” (vv. 13-17), those who make peace and avoid gossip (vv. 18-25) and finally those who can be trusted with your heart (vv. 26-28).
Honor is given based on a person’s character, not their position. Just like giving undeserved praise can land people on stages they aren’t ready for; undeserved honor can lead us to think we’re more than we are.

Pastor Adrian 


Mike Kalish - March 26th, 2023 at 8:12am

Adding to what Pastor Adrian said, we often think about undeserved praise and honor as it applies to others. But how often do we stop and wonder if we have been the recipient of such honor or if needed criticism has been withheld for fear of confrontation? I find it kind of terrifying to think about times people went along with what I said reluctantly, or praised me because it was convenient and walked away shaking their heads. I am, however, comforted that that scenario is much less likely to occur in my life since I accepted Christ.....because of the humility that comes with being in Christ and the knowledge that my identity is in Him.

There are plenty of opportunities to make a fool of yourself. It doesn't just happen on a national stage, and faith is Christ is the best insurance against doing that.

Jeff Miles - March 26th, 2023 at 9:43am

Good observations Pastor Adrian and Mike. Adding to them, what really hit me in this chapter was that after commenting on the evil and folly of fools for 12 verses: Solomon makes this telling remark:

"Do you see a person wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for them." ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭26‬:‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Wow, even a fool has more hope than someone who is wise in their own eyes! Pride is truly the root of many sins and we must always be on our guard or it will raise it's ugly head in our own lives. Lord, save me from pride and thinking too highly of myself or my knowledge!