Proverbs 23

On the 23rd day of March, in the 23rd chapter, the 23rd verse caught my eye. (By the way my favorite basketball player of all time wore 23 as well. Any guesses?) "Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding." I find it interesting that Solomon is telling us to “buy” these four things today. The book of James tells us that if you ask for wisdom, you will receive it from the hand of a generous God (James 1:5). 
How can you buy something which no store carries, not even Amazon? Yet Solomon reiterates we need all four to be prepared for success in life. Without truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding we are susceptible to certain troubles. Jesus, in Revelation 3:18, asks us to 'buy purified Gold and white garments' from Him.
Simple economics teaches that anything for sale has a price associated with it. So, when we buy something we must pay a price. Often, we think the price tag dictates whether we buy something. But I would suggest to you, “how bad you want something,” (your strong desire for it) dictates whether you buy the item. Think about it, you spend your limited resources based on the priorities or the need/desire you have for any specific thing. Solomon tells you to put truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding at the top of the grocery list.
Jesus loved us so much that He bought us with a great price! His very own life! When we put our faith in Christ, He will generously give truth, wisdom, instruction, and understanding, yet it will cost us. What is the cost? Truth may cost you friends, for most prefer lies, superstition, and tradition (prov 13:20). Wisdom may cost you ease, for only fools believe and do anything they wish. Instruction may cost you pride, for you must accept correction from others. And understanding may cost you peace, for you will know the world’s insanity.
What’s in your wallet? What are you buying?

Pastor Adrian


Mike Kalish - March 23rd, 2023 at 7:03am

"Truth may cost you friends.. Wisdom may cost you ease. Instruction may cost you pride. And understanding may cost you peace."

Four of the best bargains ever!

I'll guess your #23 was MJ. And I might agree had I not watched so many incredible Larry Bird videos on YouTube.

Andrea - March 23rd, 2023 at 1:48pm

My goodness this chapter has a lot to unpack.

V23 is super powerful and definitely something to buy and keep at the top of our mind.

Saying 19 was very interesting. I'm thinking he's talking about overuse, misuse and abuse. Like that saying, "everything in moderation, including moderation." Is best.

Where is that fine line though? The line that separates moderation and misuse? Is it when it starts producing a negative affect in our life? I have so many thoughts on this. Would love to hear others responses.

Jeri Boston - March 23rd, 2023 at 9:31pm

Michael Jordan of course. How ironic as I was sharing stories of my days at Nike with current coworkers today.

I'll buy truth, I know the world's insanity and pray for peace.