Proverbs 16
I love the tag-line from the recent Farmers Insurance commercials, “We know a thing or two, because we have seen a thing or two.” Experience is something that can never be taught, it is only acquired through living. The sad truth is that “age” itself does not make all people wiser or better, and certainly not godlier.
Verse 31 tells us, “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.” I’m not sure what the life expectancy was in Solomon’s days but I’m thinking if someone aged enough to have a full head of gray hair, they had seen a thing or two. They would deserve respect by the sheer fact of living that long! This verse is often misquoted by leaving out the 2nd half of the verse. Those with gray hair have a crown of splendor, however, Solomon tells us this splendor is attained by a righteous life (adhering to Lady Wisdom herself).
Our culture does three things with the aging process, 1) we try to delay it, 2) we disguise it, or 3) we despise it. Personally, I just love it when you hear stories or see videos of older men and women one-upping young people at their own game.
We don’t have to embrace any of these three options as we age. Because what is even better is teaching the younger generation a thing or two. Remember, the reason experience is so highly regarded is because of the wisdom and insight it can provide.
Therefore, age well, share the experiences of both heartache and triumph, and do it in a righteous manner. Now that is a crown worth fighting for!
Pastor Adrian
Verse 31 tells us, “Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life.” I’m not sure what the life expectancy was in Solomon’s days but I’m thinking if someone aged enough to have a full head of gray hair, they had seen a thing or two. They would deserve respect by the sheer fact of living that long! This verse is often misquoted by leaving out the 2nd half of the verse. Those with gray hair have a crown of splendor, however, Solomon tells us this splendor is attained by a righteous life (adhering to Lady Wisdom herself).
Our culture does three things with the aging process, 1) we try to delay it, 2) we disguise it, or 3) we despise it. Personally, I just love it when you hear stories or see videos of older men and women one-upping young people at their own game.
We don’t have to embrace any of these three options as we age. Because what is even better is teaching the younger generation a thing or two. Remember, the reason experience is so highly regarded is because of the wisdom and insight it can provide.
Therefore, age well, share the experiences of both heartache and triumph, and do it in a righteous manner. Now that is a crown worth fighting for!
Pastor Adrian
Posted in Proverbs Challenge
When I was young, I would see older people and think "I'm not going to be like that when I'm old". Of course, I didn't think this day would actually come, but it has.....and now I find myself trying my best to "be like that". Because those older people I didn't want to be like turned out to be really smart and righteous people and I was too young and stupid to see it.
But now that old age is here, I'm also finding that it's a wonderful time of life....if you've prepared for it by caring for the body God gave you and loving the people God surrounds you with....and cultivating your relationship with Him. If you live long enough, you can have grand kids who adore you and your kids might even start to realize how smart you are and better yet, start to feel bad about being brats when they were young. It's awesome!
Don't fear old age.....prepare for it.
Yes! I think there needs to be more emphasis on growing older gracefully. My feeling is it all comes from the inside. It's how we think about age and aging. It's the way we take care of our bodies - being proactive instead of reactive. It's in what we give our energy to. I believe all of these are the root and they aren't external factors.
Mike, I love your last line. Don't fear aging. Prepare for it. I agree with you. Yet I have to admit I don't look forward it. I catch myself getting Uber defensive when someone calls me old or old man. I'm praying I learn how to age well. Otherwise I'll end up being uncle Rico from napoleon dynamite or Al Bundy from married with children. Always living in the past and wanting to go back to past.
Yes! I think there needs to be more emphasis on growing older gracefully. My feeling is it all comes from the inside. It's how we think about age and aging. It's the way we take care of our bodies - being proactive instead of reactive. It's in what we give our energy to. I believe all of these are the root and they aren't external factors.
This chapter got me thinking about time. As we age and in our relationships we feel that with time gives us wisdom and gives us our relationship. But it could all just be time moving forward. Time doesn't give us the wisdom and a fulfilling marriage or friendship. Like Adrian said, there are two sentences in v31. You only get the crown of splendor if you attain it by the way of righteousness.
In Proverbs 16:6 the Lord tells me that "through love and faithfulness sin is atoned for". For that reason I am most grateful for getting older, even though I have to put up with sagging skin, brown age spots on my face, and thinning silver hair. I'm grateful because I didn't really learn to love my family and friends until I was older. Not to the depth I felt they deserved. I was too busy trying to "make it" in this world and troubled by many things. But the Lord has come into my heart and He has taught me how to love in a powerful way. And just to make sure I keep loving
He has taught me to fear him! It's all in verse 6, "through dear of the Lord evil is avoided". Hallelujah!!
Landa, this is a beautiful testimony.
Landa, this is beautiful. Thank you for the transparency. It's never too late to love well.
Landa, this is a beautiful testimony.
By all means, pass along what you've learned, good or bad!
It seems like overnight I have gone from being the youngest in a group and asking all the questions to being the oldest and now the "youngers" coming to me for answers and advice. I kinda like being in the latter group.
Landa, Yes!! Very, very yes! Getting older isn't always fun. The body wears out, the memory fades, the hair turns grey or falls out. But with every new sunrise, I thank God for His blessing of another day, another chance at doing the right things rightly, to not take one breath for granted. My daughter Emma never got the chance as she died just after 40th birthday. I am enjoying it for both of us.