Proverbs 9
The “Tzitz” (tiara or frontlet) was a small rectangular plate of solid gold, engraved in Hebrew letters with "HOLINESS TO THE LORD." This was worn by the Jewish High Priest on his turban whenever he would minister in the Tabernacle or the Temple.
Sometimes I wish people would wear similar “billboards” describing their state of mind or feelings that day. Things like, “in a bad mood”, “looking to pick a fight”, “leave me alone”, or “mocker.” It would sure make it easier to know how to deal with people.
This would help when trying to give insight, correction or reproof to someone (vv. 7-9). My propensity is to always try to help people. That’s a nice way of saying I’m opinionated, and I like to give advice, HA! Yet there are moments when mockers do not care for counsel and lash out. It’s important to remember, though we may “get hurt or insulted” when doing it, this shouldn’t deter us from continuing to try help those we love.
God does it to those He calls children and loves. “The Lord disciplines those He loves.” (Hebrews 12:6) I wonder how God feels when He gets mocked and ridiculed? Yet He continues to love us.
Pastor Adrian
Sometimes I wish people would wear similar “billboards” describing their state of mind or feelings that day. Things like, “in a bad mood”, “looking to pick a fight”, “leave me alone”, or “mocker.” It would sure make it easier to know how to deal with people.
This would help when trying to give insight, correction or reproof to someone (vv. 7-9). My propensity is to always try to help people. That’s a nice way of saying I’m opinionated, and I like to give advice, HA! Yet there are moments when mockers do not care for counsel and lash out. It’s important to remember, though we may “get hurt or insulted” when doing it, this shouldn’t deter us from continuing to try help those we love.
God does it to those He calls children and loves. “The Lord disciplines those He loves.” (Hebrews 12:6) I wonder how God feels when He gets mocked and ridiculed? Yet He continues to love us.
Pastor Adrian
Posted in Proverbs Challenge
I never mocked or ridiculed believers, but since I didn't believe God existed, I confess to having mocked and ridiculed Him. Yet He was faithful to me all those years and continued to touch my life in many ways until His truth was undeniable. I am thankful for the opportunity to repay even a small fraction of the faith that He has shown me. His grace and mercy are overwhelming.....and undeserved, which makes it even more wonderful. Like Pastor Adrian, I don't know how God feels about being ridiculed, but it appears not to affect him much. He patiently waits for the opportunity to forgive, and then does so readily. I know first hand.
Your story was mine also. It's humbling touched with sorrow when the lights come on and you can see how He was always there and pursuing us. In hindsight I could see all of His goodwill. Now, I'm intentional in listening to what He has to say and acting in service. It does feel like "repayment" but in the absolute best way possible.
Thanks for sharing!
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
Ephesians 4:29â€-‬32
Andrea, Thanks for saying was I was trying to say. And I'm sure there are others with "our" story as well. Let's pray that theirs also have happy endings as ours do.
Both Wisdom and Folly call out the same thing. "Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!" One is a warning, promising protection, the other an enticement promising destruction. Which one will turn our ears?
Wonderful Proverb. We need the spirits help with wisdom and discernment and come to conclusions based on God's perspective not Satans. This I strive to practice
Wisdom and its counterpart both call to the naive, but present very different approaches. Wisdom comes with preparation, reason, and transparency. It offers truth with opportunity. In contrast, foolishness relies on empty promises, secrecy, and instant gratification. It offers the "shortcut" to your desires. I love the contrast presented in this passage, as it reminds me how easy it is to take the seemingly easy path that leads to foolishness and destruction.
My dealings with mockers have been personal, family members. And so true that if you rebuke them- things go terribly south- in my family it's covert and very malicious. I have come to learn they are not looking for redemption or instructions of any kind; these are very wounded and sad people. I pray God soften their hearts to Him.