Proverbs 6
I hate ants! Fire ants are the worst! In middle school I once had a rash from a bite that lasted almost 2 weeks (it probably didn’t help that I couldn’t stop itching it). I remember wondering, “why do ants even exist?” Sort of like flies! Why do flies even exist? Ants, flies, they seem to have no purpose but to annoy adults! Yet in verses 6-11, we are told to learn from these annoying ants, because they are actually wise. Who knew?!?
What would you consider the catch phrase of our generation? I can think of many but the one that stands out is “hanging out.” If you ask someone, at random times throughout the day, what they are doing…a variation of hanging out is described. I remember meeting someone at the store and asking, “What are you doing…Hanging out?” Really!? At a convenience store? Who has time to hang out at the grocery store?
God has a plan and purpose for your life. Discover the purpose of God’s plan, go on mission with him and life will never be boring! God’s vision for your life will give meaning to your purpose. I think the life an ant could be summed up by this mantra: Dream big, achieve much, sleep well.
Pastor Adrian
What would you consider the catch phrase of our generation? I can think of many but the one that stands out is “hanging out.” If you ask someone, at random times throughout the day, what they are doing…a variation of hanging out is described. I remember meeting someone at the store and asking, “What are you doing…Hanging out?” Really!? At a convenience store? Who has time to hang out at the grocery store?
God has a plan and purpose for your life. Discover the purpose of God’s plan, go on mission with him and life will never be boring! God’s vision for your life will give meaning to your purpose. I think the life an ant could be summed up by this mantra: Dream big, achieve much, sleep well.
Pastor Adrian
Posted in Proverbs Challenge
Well, there is a difference between us and ants - they come 'pre-programmed' with purpose - likely not a conscious discussion at ant meetings. We, however, have a purpose that we have to discover through interaction with our creator - that takes work, relationship-building work, not 'works'. Thoughts?
Ian, that's a good perspective. We may not be "pre-programmed" with purpose but our purpose is already pre-programmed should we chose to accept it. (Ephesians 2:10) "Working" to figure it out is indeed work. Surrendering to God and walking in his plan for us unburdens us from the guesswork and hardship.
I'd add mosquitoes to Adrian's list of pests. But then....they too were created by God, so there is probably something to learn from them. And while we may not understand why they exist, what we do know is that they are not guilty of a single one of those things that are detestable to the Lord. Humans are guilty of all of them. Just sayin.....
Mike... You are correct. God looked at his creative design and said "it is good." He then looked at us (mankind) and said, "this is really good." Considering our infinite potential I imagine it breaks God's heart to see us fall into so much detestable activity. This is why the strong exhortation to avoid them at all costs.
Such irony that the most intelligent beings on the planet should learn from creatures and critters who have no intellect, only instinct....and yet.....
Watching ants at work and play is amazing for us. The lessons from these tiny ants are great challenges for modern humanity. The lessons they teach should lead us to enlightenment and unity. Follow them and you will learn a thing or two.
The ant gathers food in harvest-time, because it has forethought for the future. It realises that food won't be available in the winter. How small the brain of that ant is. Yet it has enough sense in that tiny brain to store food for the future. How much wiser we who are created in God's image should be!
The same principle applies in spiritual matters as well. We need to store up God's Word( real treasure) in our mind so we won't later starve spiritually.
Ida, thank you for this comment. A lot of wisdom in it.
" The same principle applies in spiritual matters as well. We need to store up God's Word( real treasure) in our mind so we won't later starve spiritually."
Love that! That's actually how I interpreted it as well but the way you said it was beautifully laid out.
Ida, thank you for this comment. A lot of wisdom in it.
I will shout out - the flea. It's a pesky yet amazing critter with amazing jumping ability. The ant is used as an example because it utilizes its energy and resources economically. We need to do the same.
Something that really hit me from today's reading is found in v. 19 as part of the list of things the Lord detests: "a person who stirs up conflict in the community." This is in the same list as "hands that shed innocent blood" and "a heart that devises wicked schemes." Causing a conflict in the church may seem minor, but to God, it is in the same category as these other detestable sins. This is a great reason to work toward peaceful relations in the church and avoid gossip or stirring up conflict.
Wise words Jeff! The sheep can bite at times... I'm thankful for the good shepherd and his staff and rod who comfort me.
NIV says 6 things God hates ...
"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community."
â€â€Proverbs‬ â€6‬:â€16‬-â€19‬ â€NIV‬‬
ERV version says 7 things...
"eyes that show pride, tongues that tell lies, hands that kill innocent people, hearts that plan evil things to do, feet that run to do evil, witnesses in court who tell lies, and anyone who causes family members to fight."
â€â€Proverbs‬ â€6‬:â€17‬-â€19‬ â€ERV‬‬
What stood out to me was the haughty eyes.
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3
How do we get out of selfishness?
Wise words Jeff! The sheep can bite at times... I'm thankful for the good shepherd and his staff and rod who comfort me.
My overall reaction is to think through your actions, there is always a reaction.
V23: for this command is the lamp, this teaching is the light, and correction and instruction are the way of life.
Wowza, that just gave me chills.
Ants, Mosquitoes, Fleas...Oh MY!!!
I actually have a phobia of Spiders :0
However, when you look at their beautiful handiwork; their intricate begin to realize just how creative they are and what an imagination Father God has in creating them!
Positive thought; they Do take care of some of those pesky flies and mosquitoes ;).