Proverbs 4
Kintsugi, Is the ancient Japanese art of taking a broken piece of fine china or pottery and putting it back together using molten gold. The broken pottery, although imperfect, increased in value after the restoration process in which the cracks had been mended with gold. Proverbs 4:23 says “Above all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.” When the Jewish people would talk about the heart, it was in a comprehensive fashion. The ‘heart’ is the seat of the emotional and intellectual life (the knowing, feeling and willing). Therefore, it makes sense we would be urged “above all else” to guard and be careful with the heart. Yet life is not perfect. At times our best intentions fall short and our hearts break. We have hurts, frustrations, sorrow and pain which accompany all of us. Praise be to God, that He has His own version of a “golden journey” - one of restoration and redemption. God’s form of Kintsugi does not focus on the cracks or the absence of missing pieces that pain has caused. Rather, the mends and seams, which are refined in the fire and plated now with gold, become a focus and source of celebration!
So guard you heart, store up wisdom! Cherish her, love her, and she will watch over you! (vv. 6-9) But remember when we don’t always do it right, God always mends us back stronger and with more value.
There are a lot of "Listen's" and "Do not's" in this chapter. All with the intent of (vv. 6-8) our protection and honor. It's so good to know the more we grow in the knowledge (wisdom) of our God, "grace and peace will be ours in abundance" (2 Peter 1:2). That is - His Grace will cover even when we don't get it 100% right. And we will be at peace with it! Thank God for the gold of his Grace with which he fills our cracks, crevices and shortcomings.
Pastor Adrian
So guard you heart, store up wisdom! Cherish her, love her, and she will watch over you! (vv. 6-9) But remember when we don’t always do it right, God always mends us back stronger and with more value.
There are a lot of "Listen's" and "Do not's" in this chapter. All with the intent of (vv. 6-8) our protection and honor. It's so good to know the more we grow in the knowledge (wisdom) of our God, "grace and peace will be ours in abundance" (2 Peter 1:2). That is - His Grace will cover even when we don't get it 100% right. And we will be at peace with it! Thank God for the gold of his Grace with which he fills our cracks, crevices and shortcomings.
Pastor Adrian
Posted in Proverbs Challenge
I have learned to guard my heart in part by paying attention to what is coming out of my mouth. Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. When I'm complaining the heart issue is often bitterness or discontent. When I'm talking a lot more than usual my heart is often insecure. When I'm angry often an idol I am not aware of has been poked at. When I become aware of the heart issue I can take it to God since he does the deep heart work and we can start to address it together.
Love that verse (3), Heidi
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Reminds me of Philippians 4:8 telling us to focus on the true, noble, pure, right, & lovely. Here, we're making a choice to focus on Gods goodness.
Verse 23 is a reminder, a warning perhaps, GUARD your heart. Guard your hearts so that your mouth and eyes do not fall into sin.
As my knowledge of God grows as wisdom I've experienced much more discernment in my relationships. He is continually by my side gently molding and reaching me more and more. And with that I find so much more peace in my heart and in my life.
I strive to look straight ahead and keep On the path I need to look straight ahead, keeping my eyes are fixed on what is righteous, and not get sidetracked on those detours that can lead to sin. I may stumble but I know that Christ's light will light my way onto the path again.
vss 24-27 " LET YOUR EYES LOOK DIRECTLY FORWARD and your gaze be straight before you. PONDER THE PATH OF YOUR FEET, then all your ways will be sure, DO NOT SWERVE TO THE RIGHT OR THE LEFT; turn your foot away from evil." We are bombarded from every angle to veer from the right and good path, to stray "just a little." There is a reason the old farmer put blinders on his horses when plowing. These verses are our blinders.
The affections of my heart...What is my First love? Better yet, Who is my First Love?? Because that is who I will serve!