Proverbs 1
I’m so excited to take this journey with you! Thank you for accepting the challenge. I’ve been wrestling with this book for two months now and I see the growing impact it has in my marriage, family, friendships, my ministry and my life. My prayer is that your relationship with God would grow as you search for wisdom in all that you do.
Verse 7 reminds us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Yet just yesterday morning as I was getting coffee, I realized I still need help understanding the insights of wisdom (v. 2). My occasional, yet always regrettable, “foot-in-mouth moments” always remind me that wisdom is a journey and not a destination. Instead of just listening and being empathetic with someone sharing a deep wound, I thought I saw the wisdom that goes out in the street and shouts and makes her speech in the town center! (vv. 20-21).
To understand what life means, and what it’s really about, careful consideration always needs to be given to Lady Wisdom. Proverbs is neither a prosperity pamphlet nor a “how to succeed” handbook. However, pursing wisdom, which Proverbs commends as a virtue, unlocks the skill needed in the art of Godly living. So pay attention, and then relax. Take it easy – you’re in good hands (v. 33)
Pastor Adrian
Verse 7 reminds us, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” Yet just yesterday morning as I was getting coffee, I realized I still need help understanding the insights of wisdom (v. 2). My occasional, yet always regrettable, “foot-in-mouth moments” always remind me that wisdom is a journey and not a destination. Instead of just listening and being empathetic with someone sharing a deep wound, I thought I saw the wisdom that goes out in the street and shouts and makes her speech in the town center! (vv. 20-21).
To understand what life means, and what it’s really about, careful consideration always needs to be given to Lady Wisdom. Proverbs is neither a prosperity pamphlet nor a “how to succeed” handbook. However, pursing wisdom, which Proverbs commends as a virtue, unlocks the skill needed in the art of Godly living. So pay attention, and then relax. Take it easy – you’re in good hands (v. 33)
Pastor Adrian
Posted in Proverbs Challenge
I came across this great quote today, " knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing it doesn't belong in a fruit salad."
I love this quote because it humorously illustrates what are world lax today. We have more knowledge than we know what to do with... But we lack the ability to rightly apply that knowledge. Wisdom is in short supply!
We need biblical wisdom. I love how the message paraphrases verse 23: "look, I'm ready to pour out my spirit on you; I'm ready to tell you all I know. As it is, I've called, but you've turned a deaf ear; I've reached out to you, but you ignored me.
God is ready to grant us the daily wisdom we need to make the right choice. The Godly choice. Don't ignore him today, ask for his wisdom and "God will give generously to all without finding fault." (James 1:5)
Modern people do not have a category for proverbs. They are neither absolute commands nor promises. A proverb is like hard candy. If you just bite down on it, you get a little taste and maybe a broken tooth. You must meditate on it till the sweetness of insight comes. ~ Tim Keller
I love the analogy of a proverb being like hard candy.
Rosi, that's a profound quote. Thanks for sharing it.
I love the analogy of a proverb being like hard candy.
I love how it opens up to the the beginning of knowledge. God literally takes us through step by step. It doesn't matter what stage of life you are in, proverbs is for all.
"Give prudence to the simple"
"knowledge and discretion to the youth"
"wise hear and increase in learning"
"one who understands obtain guidance" (v 4-5)
No matter the stage, fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. We talked about fear of the Lord last Sunday for our lesson. (v 7)
"Fear of the Lord isn't about being afraid of Him, it's about respecting His power and holiness and knowing that He will destroy sin. God wants us to rest in His power and worship Him. What is worship? Worship is celebrating the greatness of God." -Gospel Project KIDS
Our country craves righteousness, justice, & equity. Equity is a hot topic in the public school system for elementary schools. But it says right here in the Word, "to know", "to understand", and "to receive" is through the fear of the Lord. It's not through suppressing one to let another rise. It's not showing partiality to one over another. No wonder the "worldly" version of righteousness, justice, and equity is so skewed!
Verse 24-28 talks about a life without God and a CHOICE not to fear the Lord. But there's an awesome promise to those who do fear the Lord, "whoever listens to me will dwell SECURE & will be at EASE, without dread of disaster" (v 33)
Love those two words describing what will happen if we listen to His word.
Lord, I pray that our church craves your Word, absorbs your wisdom, and we live this Godly life out in our congregation, our homes, relationships, and work. And if we may fail, allow us to help one another get back on the righteous path. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
Adrian this is a beautiful challenge and I'm happy to accept. I haven't yet carved time today for honest reflection so I will not post any further but I love all the comments below. This will be a rich conversation!
I always enjoy reading over the proverbs.
v23 "If you turn at my reproof, behold, I will pour out my spirit on you". - This is really the heart of God. He wants to us lay our own desires and life down to follow fully after him. It's when we do that, we experience his spirit to its fullness and goodness in our life.
Justen, I agree with you. This is the heart of God. I love it.
Yes. So lovely to sad and meditate on God's holy word; his very heart for us, poured out. What Father doesn't want to see his children prosper in all ways.
Justen, I agree with you. This is the heart of God. I love it.
Solomon tells us in v. 7 that the fear of the Lord is the BEGINNING of knowledge. Living in respect and awe of God and his principles isn't an add-on to other knowledge, it doesn't just confirm other knowledge, it is the beginning point. When we put God's principles first, they become a foundation to build on, and they inform every other part of our lives. We become wise by putting God's ways first.
Conversely, Solomon tells us that fools despise wisdom and discipline. Let's not be fools, but instead pursue wisdom, accept discipline, put God first and so become wise!
I love 23: He asks us to share his heart and listen to Him. I think of the 5 senses of our spirit to do this: use inner ear to receive his word, inner eye for His vision, inner mind to ponder Gods wish, inner will and emotions where we speak on His words and act on Gods vision to join His heart. What a great Father
Tami, I love this! I've never thought about our 5 spiritual senses before... thank you
Yess 🙌
The Spirit speaks to each of us in such unique ways! "She who has ears to hear..."
Tami, I love this! I've never thought about our 5 spiritual senses before... thank you
Awestruck by Proverbs many times, it's one of the first books that I opened as a young, young Christian (10 yrs). I remember asking my pops "what does it mean when God says 'the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge?"
He smiled and said "to fear the Lord is not to be 'afraid' of him. Rather, that you LOVE him so much that you don't want to sin anymore. You can do that right? Once you understand that fearing God is a good thing, you start to become wise. When you apply that wisdom everyday, God will show you more. Everyone seeks wisdom, but not everyone is willing to fear the Lord - so their knowledge is nothing, which leads them to 'chase' the feeling. It's those people who need 'yoga, new age, palm readers, mediums... everything BUT God. They chase and chase for knowledge but they will never find it - because they're missing the one piece, God himself."
A book that cuts us deeply to transform our character. My prayer is that this study can remove any piece of our heart that may be stone and replace it with a heart of flesh. To let his word chisel away all the heartache and anger and sadness we may have acquired of the last few years. May we read this and allow it bring forth the very thought we need him. We need his truth and his word... may we be living out this words and May this book be imprinted in our hearts and memory so we can reach others in a simple conversation. ♥ï¸
Amen & Amen!!
What a powerful start to a book! v. 10 "my son, if sinners entice you, do not consent". A word for today. The world always wants us to consent to its ideas and ways, yet Wisdom tells us these ways "take away the life of its possessor" (v. 19). The way to life is the way of fear of the Lord!
We don't have to experience sin (naive or simple person) in order to know it's not good for us. The Lord gives us wisdom to learn without experiencing it (and the resulting consequences.) May the Lord grant us his wisdom and power to live a Godly life, life that pleases and brings Glory to His name.
In this day and age, knowledge is plentiful but wisdom is scarce. Without wisdom our knowledge is useless. We must learn to live out what we know and act on these proverbs!
v. 8 Reminds me that actions speak louder than words. Especially when it comes to raising my young children. They will learn their values and priorities by watching me. How I act and react to different situations. Hopefully I can show them a deep reverence and dependence on God.
v2- for attaining wisdom & discipline...we so need God's instructions .. v4 the simple (inexperienced). Yes.. we need to continue to read, study & ponder His Word. Not just in our heads but in our hearts.
In v20 wisdom calls aloud ..the mind of God revealed! How incredible that He wants wisdom to come alive for us. and v33 .. whoever listens will live... without fear.
Great start. thanks PA.
A loving heart is the truest wisdom. - Charles Dickens
A little late but-
1:33 "but whoever listens to me will live in safety
and be at ease, without fear of harm." I love this because we can live in peace and not be afraid regardless of what's going on around us.
I love that quote about the tomato pastor Adrian 😄